UCORA Participated in the Forth International Conference on Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion
February 15, 2018
On February 13, 2018 the forth international conference on financial literacy and financial inclusion was held in Moscow, Russian Federation. The title of this year’s conference was “New Opportunities and Risks for Financial Consumers.”

December 15, 2017
On November 29-December 1, 2017 the 16th national conference on microfinance and financial inclusion was held in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. The title of this year’s conference was “Microfinance in Russia: Searching for Sustainable Solutions.”

Consumer Loan Default Risk Modeling Training at UCORA
October 31, 2017
The Union of Credit Organizations of RA organized a two-day training on the Consumer Loan Default Risk Modeling topic for the employees of UCORA member credit organizations. The training was conducted by the manager of programs of UCORA Lena Mamikonyan.

General Annual Meeting of Union of Credit Organizations of RA
April 7, 2017
On 7 April 2017, the General annual meeting of Union of Credit Organizations of RA (UCORA) took place at “Imperium Plaza” business center. Beside the member credit organizations of UCORA, among the invitees were representatives from non-member credit organizations, Office of the Financial System Mediator, Union of Banks of Armenia, other partner organizations.

International Conference on “How to Improve Consumer Confidence in the Financial Market?”
February 24, 2017
On February 16, 2017 the third international conference on financial literacy and financial inclusion was held in Moscow, Russian Federation. The title of this year’s conference was “How to Improve Consumer Confidence in the Financial Market?”

Seminar on Preventing Overindebtedness on the Basis of Financial Analysis
February 10, 2017
The Union of Credit Organizations of RA in collaboration with the Savings Bank Foundation for International Cooperation carried out a four-day seminar on preventing overindebtedness on the basis of financial analysis for the loan specialists and supervisors of UCORA member credit organizations.

Workshop on "The introduction of secured transactions' system in the Republic of Armenia"
March 31, 2015
USAID Finance for Economic Development (FED) Program jointly with the World Bank, the RA Ministry of Justice, the Central Bank, the Unions of Banks and Credit Organizations organize a conference about "The introduction of secured transactions' system in the Republic of Armenia" which will take place at Marriott hotel, "Tigran Mets" hall on 3rd of April.

Energy Efficiency Workshop
March 1, 2014
Practical and informative workshop on energy efficiency, sustainable and renewable energy financing mechanisms held in Yerevan on February 25-March 1 provided by INOGATE Technical Secretariat EU funded project in cooperation with Finance for Economic Development (FED) Program by USAID.