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SPTF Annual Meeting in India

February 26, 2018

On February 19-22, 2018 UCORA’s Chairman Luiza Igraryan and Manager of Programs Lena Mamikonyan participated in The Social Performance Task Force (SPTF) Annual Meeting, which was held in Mahaballipuram, India.

UCORA Participated in the Forth International Conference on Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion

February 15, 2018

On February 13, 2018 the forth international conference on financial literacy and financial inclusion was held in Moscow, Russian Federation. The title of this year’s conference was “New Opportunities and Risks for Financial Consumers.”

December 15, 2017

On November 29-December 1, 2017 the 16th national conference on microfinance and financial inclusion was held in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. The title of this year’s conference was “Microfinance in Russia: Searching for Sustainable Solutions.”

Consumer Loan Default Risk Modeling Training at UCORA

October 31, 2017

The Union of Credit Organizations of RA organized a two-day training on the Consumer Loan Default Risk Modeling topic for the employees of UCORA member credit organizations. The training was conducted by the manager of programs of UCORA Lena Mamikonyan.

UCORA has participated on the Alternative Finance Forum

October 5, 2017

On October 5, 2017, the Acting executive director of UCORA Khoren Kerobyan participated in the Alternative Finance Forum, which was held in Warsaw, Poland.

Seminar on Models of Point Forecasting

June 12, 2017

The Union of Credit Organizations of RA organized a two-day training on the Models of Point (Deterministic) Forecasting topic for the employees from analysis department of UCORA member credit organizations.

20th MFC Annual Conference

May 31, 2017

Union of credit Organizations of RA participated in the 20th MFC conference which was held in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo on 24-26 of 2017.

General Annual Meeting of Union of Credit Organizations of RA

April 7, 2017

On 7 April 2017, the General annual meeting of Union of Credit Organizations of RA (UCORA) took place at “Imperium Plaza” business center. Beside the member credit organizations of UCORA, among the invitees were representatives from non-member credit organizations, Office of the Financial System Mediator, Union of Banks of Armenia, other partner organizations.

International Conference on “How to Improve Consumer Confidence in the Financial Market?”

February 24, 2017

On February 16, 2017 the third international conference on financial literacy and financial inclusion was held in Moscow, Russian Federation. The title of this year’s conference was “How to Improve Consumer Confidence in the Financial Market?”

Seminar on Preventing Overindebtedness on the Basis of Financial Analysis

February 10, 2017

The Union of Credit Organizations of RA in collaboration with the Savings Bank Foundation for International Cooperation carried out a four-day seminar on preventing overindebtedness on the basis of financial analysis for the loan specialists and supervisors of UCORA member credit organizations.

UCORA presented “Social Performance Country Report”

November 18, 2016

The presentation of “Social Performance Country Report” developed by the Union of Credit Organizations of RA took place on November 17 at Imperium Plaza business center.

UCORA Enlarges the Number of Member Credit Organizations

October 13, 2016

Since October 2016, one of the leading organizations in Armeian’s financial market, CARD AgroCredit UCO became the member of Union of Credit Organizations of RA (UCORA).

International Conference on “Modern Instruments of SME Finance” in Minsk

September 13, 2016

On September 13, 2016 “Modern Instruments of SME Finance” international conference was held in Minsk, Republic of Belarus.

International Conference on Food Security and Nutrition

June 24, 2016

International Conference on Food Security and Nutrition organized by Oxfam was held on June 15-16 in Tbilisi. UCORA participated in the conference as a member of Agricultural Alliance.

The Social Performance Task Force (SPTF) Annual Meeting

June 6, 2016

On May 29-June 2 UCORA participated in The Social Performance Task Force (SPTF) Annual Meeting, which was held in Marrakech, Morocco.

My Finance Month 2016

May 23, 2016

"My finance month 2016" program this year took place during April 1st to 30th. The Central Bank of RA organized a number of events which were aimed to increase the financial information of different groups of society. 

UCORA and Habitat for Humanity Armenia Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding

April 26, 2016

On April 26 of 2016 the executive director of UCORA Narine Terzyan and the executive director of Habitat for Humanity Armenia foundation Luiza Vardanyan signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

Union of Credit Organizations has a new chairman

April 6, 2016

On 6 April 2016, the General annual meeting of Union of Credit Organizations of RA (UCORA) took place at “Erebuni Plaza” business center.

Promoting Financial Inclusion through Financial Literacy

December 7-8, 2015

In December of 2015 there was organized an international conference of “Promoting Financial Inclusion through Financial Literacy” in Minsk, Republic of Belarus.

Training on Social Performance Management

November 25, 2015

The training was jointly organized with Microfinance Center, CERISE and UCORA. This training aimed to familiarize participants with the social audit tool for microfinance institutions, SPI4.

“How to make right decision in the loan market?”

October 20 and November 19, 2015

In cooperation with National Strategy on Financial Education UCORA has organized two seminars entitled “How to make right decision in the loan market?”

18th MFC Conference, entitled “Employment, Youth and Investment: What can Microfinance do?”

November 5-6, 2015

On November 5-6 of 2015 the Executive director of UCORA – Narine Terzyan, participated in 18th MFC Conference, entitled “Employment, Youth and Investment: What can Microfinance do?”

Seep Network's 2015 Annual Conference

September 28-October 1, 2015

The Executive director of UCORA Narine Terzyan participated in SEEP Network’s 2015 Annual Conference. 

Training on SME Lending

June 12, 2015

The Union of Credit Organizations of Armenia in conjunction with USAID FED projects and the "EV Consulting" company organized a training on loan officers for SME Lending which held on May 25 to June 12 in the three regions of Armenia (Yerevan, Vanadzor, Ararat). 

Workshop on "The introduction of secured transactions' system in the Republic of Armenia"

March 31, 2015

 USAID Finance for Economic Development (FED) Program jointly with the World Bank, the RA Ministry of Justice, the Central Bank, the Unions of Banks and Credit Organizations organize a conference about "The introduction of secured transactions' system in the Republic of Armenia" which will take place at Marriott hotel, "Tigran Mets" hall on 3rd of April.  

UCORA's General Annual Meeting Took Place

March 27, 2015

The general annual meeting of the Union of Credit Organizations of RA took place at "Erebuni Plaza" hotel on 27th of March.

USAID FED and UCORA jointly organized the seminar-presentation

March 18, 2015

The informative presentation of ''The introduction of an electronic register of secured transactions system and personal property'' took place at Paris hotel on March 16, 2015.

Joint Workshop with CBA at UCORA

February 25, 2015

Workshop on the new law of combating Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing and on changes made in secondary legislation acts took place on 25th of February at UCORA.

Risk Management Training held at UCORA

December 24, 2014

On December 23-24 Risk Management training took place at UCORA for the union member credit organizations. The trainer was Ruben Gevorgyan from USAID FED who conducts GARP qualified courses at IAB training center.

Internal Audit Training held at UCORA

July 5, 2014

On June 25-27 and July 3-4 Internal Audit training took place at UCORA. The training was conducted by the regional (Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine) internal audit coordinator of ProCredit Holding Sona Ishkhanyan. 

Fraud Risk Training held at UCORA

June 15, 2014

On June 12 Fraud Risk training took place at UCORA. The training was conducted by deputy director of ProCredit Armenia Bank Ashot Abrahamyan. 23 participants from 10credit organizations attended the training.

Business Conduct and Lending Social Standards

May 22, 2014

On 22nd of May, training on business conduct and lending social standards took place at UCORA. 

Energy Efficiency Workshop

March 1, 2014

Practical and informative workshop on energy efficiency, sustainable and renewable energy financing mechanisms held in Yerevan on February 25-March 1 provided by INOGATE Technical Secretariat EU funded project in cooperation with Finance for Economic Development (FED) Program by USAID.

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Union of Credit Organizations of RA

Address: 26/3 Vazgen Sargsyan str., 702 room, Yerevan, RA

Tel.: (374-10) 52 66 94



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