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The main goal of the Union of Credit Organizations of the Republic of Armenia is to represent and promote general interests and challenges of its members in the Central Bank of RA, Government of RA and other state and non-state bodies, as well as international organizations.

The objectives of the Union are:

  • Identify, investigate and generalize legislative and non-legislative issues, obstacles and risks related to the interests of its members and undertake appropriate actions to solve them.

  • Protect and introduce the interests of Union members in state and local government agencies, non-government and international organizations.

  • Protect and introduce the interests of Union members in the Central bank of RA, for that purpose organize joint discussions, come up with proposals.

  • Contribute to the development and strengthening of connections between Union members, coordinate the activities of Union members for joint development and implementation of long term projects.

  • Participate in elaboration of legislative and normative acts about financial and lending activities and take part in their expertise.

  • Support Union members to introduce advanced technologies and methods in order to improve the service and increase the efficiency of their activities.

  • Develop and implement programs for personnel training and increase of qualification, also in order to verify qualification and professional compliance.

  • Organize seminars and conferences.

  • Implement issues arising from Union members' interests which do not contradict the legislation of RA and the Charter of the Union.

Strategic Objectives

UCORA's strategic objectives are the following:

  • Develop UCORA's internal capacity,

  • Increase the efficiency of collaboration between UCORA and member organizations,

  • Present and promote Union members' interests at state institutions,

  • Establishprofessional clubs inside the Union,

  • Deepen the cooperation with international organizations,

  • Organize trainings, seminars and conferences for professional improvement and increase of qualification,

  • Develop  financial and economic research and analyses capacity inside UCORA,

  • Introduce self-regulation policy for UCORA members aligned with international standards,

  • Provide media coverage and promotion of the activities of UCORA and its members,

  • Expand UCORA's membership,

  • Encourage the involvement of domestic and foreign investment funds.

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