Central Bank of Armenia (CBA)
CBA is an independent state authority the ultimate task of which is maintaining price stability in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
Key tasks of the Central Bank are to: maintain stability of the financial sector; provide issuance of national currency and ensure cycle of it; combat money laundering and terrorism financing; manage international reserves of the Republic of Armenia; regulate and oversee other areas of competence as provided for under the Republic of Armenia Constitution and Republic of Armenia laws.

Ministry of Finance of RA
The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Armenia is the country’s executive body responsible for developing and implementing the RA Government’s policy in the spheres of national income formation and public finance management. The ministry also acts as a tax and customs regulatory body.

Microfinance Center
Microfinance Centre is a grassroots network of 105 microfinance institutions from Europe and Central Asia. The mission is to contribute to poverty reduction and human potential development by promoting a socially oriented and sustainable microfinance sector that provides adequate financial and non-financial services to a large number of poor families and micro-entrepreneurs.

Seep Network
The SEEP Network is a global network of international practitioner organizations dedicated to combating poverty through promoting inclusive markets and financial systems. SEEP represents the largest and most diverse network of its kind, comprised of international development organizations and global, regional, and country-level practitioner networks that promote market development and financial inclusion. Members are active in 170 countries and reach nearly 90 million households.

The Smart Campaign
The Smart Campaign is a global effort to unite microfinance leaders around a common goal: to keep clients as the driving force of the industry. The Smart Campaign is working with microfinance leaders from around the world to provide microfinance institutions with the tools and resources they need to deliver transparent, respectful, and prudent financial services to all clients.

Financial System Mediator
The mission of the Office of the Financial System Mediator is to have financially educated and protected consumers in the financial marketplace. The Office of the Financial System Mediator’s strategic goals are to increase and strengthen mutual trust towards the Financial System Mediator, consumer rights and interests protection, increase public confidence in the financial system and financial intermediation.

Agricultural Alliance
It brings together 15 local and international organizations which combine their efforts and experience for solving existing problems in the field of Agriculture. One of the key objectives of the Alliance is joint advocacy and lobbing on national policy making and implementation, cooperation in solution of existing problems in the Agricultural sector, information, learning exchange and awareness- raising among AA members’ programs.

Branch Republican Union of Banks, Financial Institutions Employees and Professional Employees of Trade of Armenia
Branch Republican Union of Banks, Financial Institutions Employees and Professional Employees of Trade of Armenia was formed on the basis of Yerevan State banks and saving banks’ trade unions joint committee. The mission of the Branch Republican Union of Banks, Financial Institutions Employees and Professional Employees of Trade of Armenia is to protect the interests of the employees, conduct professional consultations, clarify issues concerning the Labor Code, to become integrated into the international trade union structures and the introduction of advanced experience, conduct sociological surveys and organize reconciliation events, provides financial assistance to the retired employees of the system and socially vulnerable groups, take part in every initiative which will contribute to raising living standards and welfare of all employees.

ACRA Credit Bureau
The primary objective of credit bureau operations is data gathering from the banks and credit organizations, processing, timely updating of information as well as safeguarding the information and preserving the necessary confidentiality. ACRA is dedicated to maintain its position as a leader in providing new and innovative risk assessing services and other business solutions to clients in banking, financial, insurance, and general business industries for effective business decision through a staff of highly trained people sharing a tradition of integrity and service to its clients.